Call for Papers:
MT Summit Workshop on Post-Editing Technology and Practice (WPTP4)
Following the success of the AMTA 2012, MT Summit 2013, and AMTA 2014 Workshops on Post-Editing Technology and Practice, we are organizing WPTP4 ( Once again, this workshop will be an opportunity for post-editing practitioners and researchers to get together and openly discuss the weaknesses and strengths of existing technology, to properly and objectively assess post-editing effectiveness, to establish better practices, and propose tools and technological post-editing solutions that are built around the needs of users.
This one-day workshop will be held during the MT Summit 2015 conference, in Miami, Florida on November 03, 2015. It will be co-located with the ATA conference 2015 and professional translators are very welcome to attend and to contribute.
Topics of Interest
We are particularly interested in original papers on the following themes, but also welcome other ideas which touch on potential fruitful human-machine collaborations for translation:
* Best practices for post-editing
* Collecting and sharing post-editing data
* Post-editing guidelines, their usefulness and challenges
* Integration of MT with translation memory and other CAT tools
* Post-editing user interface design
* Training for post-editing
* Post-editing evaluation methodology and metrics
* Post-editing and quality expectations
* Cognitive processes of post-editing
* Tools for crowd and community post-editing
* Automatic prediction of post-editing effort
* Perceptions regarding post-editing effort and actual effort
* Automatic learning from post-editing data
* Error-detection and error-correction for post-editing
* Innovative uses of post-editor feedback
* Text pre- and post-processing for post-editing
We also invite one-page descriptions of interesting tools related to post-editing, including commercial products, in-house systems, research prototypes and open source software. Authors should be ready to present demos of the tools during the workshop. See Demo submission instructions below.
Important Dates
* July 13: Paper Submission deadline
* July 31: Demo Submission deadline
* September 11: Notifications to authors
* October 02: Camera-ready versions due
* November 03: Workshop
Original Paper Submission Instructions
The format for original papers is the same as for regular MT Summit 2015 submissions:
Papers must not exceed 12 (twelve) pages plus 4 (four) pages for references. All papers should follow the formatting instructions included with the style files, and should be submitted in PDF. Latex, PDF and MS Word style files will be available soon.
To allow for blind reviewing, please do not include author names and affiliations within the paper and avoid obvious self-references.
Papers must be submitted to the START system by 11:59 pm PDT (GMT – 7 hours), Monday July 13, 2015. A link to the START system will be provided as soon as available.
* Multiple Submissions:
Papers presented at WPTP must represent new work that has not been previously published. It is the responsibility of the author(s) to inform the organizers of any potential problem with respect to this requirement. Authors submitting a similar paper both to WPTP and another conference or workshop must inform the program chairs by email (, specifying to which other conference or workshop they are submitting their work. If the paper is accepted and presented at WPTP, then it must be withdrawn from other conferences and workshops. At least one author must register for the WPTP4 Workshop. Those who will attend the MT Summit and WPTP4 must register for both events.
Demo Submission Instructions:
Demo submissions consist of a 1-page product description. They should not be anonymized. Please email your demo submissions directly to Michel Simard ( and Sharon O’Brien ( by 11:59 pm PDT (GMT – 7 hours), Friday July 31, 2015.
Workshop Organizers
Sharon O’Brien – Adapt / Dublin City University
Michel Simard – National Research Council Canada
Programme Committee
To be announced