The Irish Research Council has published its call for PhD scholarship applications (deadline: 02 November 2016). See here for further information.
The CTTS is interested in hearing from well-qualified, interested applicants who wish to apply for an IRC scholarship in the topics listed below. If you have a Master’s degree (with distinction or equivalent), or an undergraduate degree (with at least 2:1 or equivalent), please directly contact potential supervisors, as indicated below, to discuss your application. Please do this as soon as possible as late enquiries cannot be supported.
Topics of Interest to CTTS
- Irish translation history
- Translation and ecology
- Translation and travel writing
- Representations of translation in popular culture (e.g. the interpreter in Game of Thrones)
For any of the topics listed above, please contact Prof. Michael Cronin directly: michael.cronin[at]
- Translating literature for children or young adults
- Literary (re)translation, particularly works from French and German into English
For any of the topics listed above, please contact Dr. Áine McGillicuddy directly: aine.mcgillicuddy[at]
- Reception studies in the context of multimodality and media
- Sensory language (including onomatopoeia) and non-verbal communication
- Epistemic vigilance and community
- Affective communication
For any of the topics listed above, please contact Dr. Ryoko Sasamoto directly: ryoko.sasamoto[at]