Call for Papers: “Interpreter and Translator Trainer”
Title: Ergonomics in Translator and Interpreter Training.
Guest-editors: Gys-Walt van Egdom, Hendrik Kockaert, Winibert Segers and Patrick Cadwell
In the past few years, ergonomics has attracted a great deal of interest in Translation Studies. The most important reason for the sudden turn toward translation ergonomics is the profession’s susceptibility to computerisation. The ubiquity of technology in today’s translation practices places a serious strain on language service providers. Although virtually all translation tools and applications purport to make the lives of translators easier, relatively few programs are effectively geared to the needs of the translator. What is more, the monotony of working at a desk for hours and days at a stretch is bound to take its physical toll on translators. Apart from the cognitive and physical strains, concerns are being raised about social and organisational pressures that come with faster turnaround times, rapid globalisation and the ensuing growth of the translation industry. At the same time, cognitive, physical, and organisational pressures are also features of the interpreting profession, and increasing technologisation of interpreting workflows has been noted. Ergonomics tries to tackle these cognitive, physical, organisational, and professional issues and sensitises us to the need for sustainable translation and interpreting practices.
In this special issue of ITT, we seek to address a gap in translation and interpreting ergonomics. Hitherto, scant heed has been paid to trainer and trainee ergonomics in the fields of translation and interpreting. However, it stands to reason that, in order for aspiring translators and interpreters to cope with pressure, stress and competition in the future, sustainable practices have to be developed, taught and adopted within the confines of the classroom. Trainee ergonomics can provide the impetus to equip our students to meet current needs in the industry as well as those of the future. Trainer ergonomics also deserves attention because most of us, academics, struggle to manage our diverse responsibilities (teaching, researching, assessing, administering, and so on). In order to assure the quality of translator and interpreter training, a right balance must be sought and struck time and again, and new ways must be found to significantly speed up the abovementioned tasks and, thereby, alleviate the burdens thereof. In other words, this largely uncharted topic is particularly worthy of note, as trainer and trainee ergonomics can safely be said to be one of the master keys not only to future-proofing trainee translators and interpreters, but also to assuring educational quality in our domain.
Themes that may be addressed include (but are not restricted to) the following:
- Translator and/or interpreter training and physical ergonomics;
- translator and/or interpreter training and cognitive ergonomics;
- translator and/or interpreter training and social ergonomics;
- translator and/or interpreter training and organisational ergonomics;
- professional ergonomics and its effect on translator and/or interpreter training.
Specific questions that need to be raised:
- Where are ergonomic problems encountered in translator and interpreter training?
- Which (technological or other) solutions to ergonomic problems are deemed most propitious in translator and interpreter training?
- Which solutions are effectively tested and meet the threshold of quality?
General Guidelines
We seek original, up-to-date, research-based contributions that do not exceed 8000 words (tables, captions, references, footnotes and endnotes included) and that reach out to an international readership. Although there is room for exploratory research, contributions that report on completed research will be given priority. All papers will be subject to double-blind peer review. The focus of all submissions should be in line with the ITT aims and scope.
Schedule for Publication
20 July 2018: Deadline for submission of abstracts (500 words)
20 August 2018: Selected contributors notified of acceptance of abstracts
20 December 2018: Deadline for submission accepted papers
December 2018-April 2019: Review of first submission by editorial board
May 2019: Notification of provisional acceptance of papers
May-August 2019: Finalisation of article by authors and second review where necessary
1 September 2019: Deadline for submission of final versions of papers to guest editors
December 2019: Final editing and proofreading
March 2020: Publication
Editorial Information:
Guest Editor: Gys-Walt van Egdom, Zuyd University of Applied Sciences –
Guest Editor: Hendrik Kockaert, KU Leuven, University of The Free State –
Guest Editor: Winibert Segers, KU Leuven –
Guest Editor: Patrick Cadwell, Dublin City University –