Joss Moorkens recently published the following article:
Moorkens, J., Toral, A., Castilho, S., Way, A. 2018. Perceptions of Literary Post-editing using Statistical and Neural Machine Translation. Translation Spaces 7:2, p240-262. Based on this there was a news article on the DCU website and short pieces in The Times (Ireland edition), The Sun, and the Daily Mirror.
Joss Moorkens’s book chapter was published in October and is entitled “Eye-Tracking as a Measure of Cognitive Effort for Post-Editing of Machine Translation” IN: Walker, C. and Federici, F. (Eds.), Eye Tracking and Multidisciplinary Studies on Translation. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, p55-69.
Joss Moorkens gave a plenary talk at the AGM of the Irish Translators and Interpreters Association on October 20th, and an invited talk in Swansea University on November 7th as part of an Erasmus+-funded teaching mobility visit.