Úna Bhreathnach


Dr Úna Bhreathnach is Editorial Manager of www.tearma.iewww.logainm.iewww.ainm.iewww.duchas.iewww.gaois.ie and several other terminology, digital humanities, and related projects in Fiontar & Scoil na Gaeilge at DCU. Several of these projects have a significant corpus and terminology studies research element.  Her PhD focused on best practice in term planning. Principal Investigator (PI) on the Dúchas project (duchas.ie). Co-author of Terminology for the European Union. The Irish Experience: The GA IATE Project (Cló Iar-Chonnacht, 2013). Co-editor of TEANGA, the journal of the Irish Association for Applied Linguistics, and a member of the Placenames Committee.