The Centre for Translation and Textual Studies


Lama Alharthi

Lama Alharthi holds a B.A in English Language and Translation from Princess Nourah Bint Abdulrahman University (PNU) in Saudi Arabia. Following her graduation, she…

Muhammad Shafiq Azid

Muhammad Shafiq Azid holds an undergraduate degree in English Language and Literature from the International Islamic University Malaysia as well as an M.Sc. in…

Gaia Bezzi

Gaia Bezzi holds a B.A. in Intercultural and Linguistic Mediation from the University of Bologna, Forlì Campus (Italy), where she studied French, English and…

Mashael Aljasser

Mashael Aljasser is currently a PhD student at Dublin City University. She has a strong academic background, having published three papers in the field…

Niav Fisher

Niav Fisher is a PhD researcher funded by the Irish Research Council. She has a B.A. (Hons) in Hispanic Studies and English, an M.A.…

Mustafa Keshkeia

Mustafa Keshkeia was awarded a BA in English Literature and Language (2006) and an MA in Audiovisual Translation (2010) by Damascus University. Since then,…

Mairéad Jordan

Mairéad Jordan holds a B.Ed (Hons) from DCU, a Postgraduate Diploma in Special Educational Needs (DCU), a Postgraduate Diploma in Educational Leadership (Maynooth University)…

Rongyu Wang

Rongyu Wang holds a BA in English and Spanish Studies from Changchun Normal University (China) and an MA in Translation Studies from Universitat Pompeu…

Hannah Leonard

Hannah Leonard holds a B.A in Outdoor Education & Leisure from the Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology; a B.A. (Hons) in Applied Language & Translation…

João Lucas Cavalheiro Camargo

João Lucas Cavalheiro Camargo has a B. Ed. in Portuguese and English and their respective literatures from Western Paraná State University (UNIOESTE) in Brazil.…