The Centre for Translation and Textual Studies

PhD Graduate

Vicent Briva-Iglesias

Vicent Briva-Iglesias [2024] – Fostering human-centred, augmented machine translation: Analysing interactive post-editing – Supervised by Professor Sharon O’Brien

Matt Riemland

Riemland, Matt [2024] – Language power dynamics and linguistic patterns in translation: A multilingual corpus-based investigation – Supervised by Professor Dorothy Kenny (DCU) and Dr James Hadley (TCD)

Rana Roshdy

Rana Roshdy [2023] ‘Translating Islamic law: the Postcolonial Quest for Minority Representation’. Supervised by Professor Dorothy Kenny. – Supervised by Professor Dorothy Kenny.

Eddie López Pelén

Eddie López Pelén [2023] Interpreting for Minors in Legal Settings – Supervised by Dr Mary Phelan.

Jamie Murphy

Jamie Murphy [2023] An bhfuil athghabháil na Gaeilge mar skopos i ndrámaí aistrithe na Gaeilge? Anailís fheidhmiúlach ar chnuasach aistriúchán Gaeilge ó dhrámaí de…

Ahmed Alhassani

Ahmed Alhassani [2023] Productive and receptive knowledge and avoidance of phrasal verbs: the case of Saudi learners of English. Supervised by Professor Dorothy Kenny.

Sagun Shrestha

Sagun Shrestha [2023] ICT in Education in Crisis Contexts: An Activity Theoretical Study of Teaching and Learning in Nepal during the COVID-19 Pandemic’  –…

Nguyen Nguyen

Nguyen Hai Duy Nguyen [2023] Translation and development: promoting more effective policy interventions in Vietnam – Supervised by Dr Pat Cadwell.

Yuxiang Wei

Yuxiang Wei [2022] – Ambiguity and Entropy in the Process of Translation and Post-Editing – Supervised by Professor Dorothy Kenny and Dr Joss Moorkens.

Shane Forde

Shane Forde [2022] – Agency and Professionalism in Translation and Interpreting: Navigating Conflicting Role Identities among Translation and Interpreting Practitioners Working for Local Government…