Language in Minority/ised Language Media Research Seminar

The CTTS at Dublin City University and University of Wales are jointly organising a research seminar entitled “Language in Minority/ised Language Media”

10fed – 11 eg Gorffennaf 2013

10th – 11th July 2013

Prifysgol Aberystwyth University, Cymru / Wales

This research seminar is co-organised by Dr Eithne O’Connell, Senior Lecturer in Translation Studies and member of the  Centre for Translation and Textual Studies at Dublin City University and Elin Haf Gruffydd Jones, Senior Lecturer and Director of the Mercator Institute at Aberystwyth University.

The aim of the two day event is to provide an opportunity for researchers to present papers and ideas that focus on the linguistic aspects of minority/ised language media studies. The second day will focus on developing a publication on this specific topic.