Presentation by Dr Áine McGillicuddy at MeTRa Conference,  “Literature, Translation and Mediation by and for Children: Gender, Diversity and Stereotype” 25-27 October 2017, University of Bologna at Forlí

Dr Áine McGillicuddy presented a paper entitled “The Silent Books Exhibition, from the World to Lampedusa and Back”: Overcoming Linguistic and Cultural Barriers with Wordless Picturebooks at  the MeTRa conference “Literature, Translation and Mediation by and for Children: Gender, Diversity and Stereotype” 25-27 October 2017, University of Bologna at Forlì, Italy. MeTRa is an interdisciplinary Research Centre on Mediation and Translation by and for Children based in the University of Bologna.

For more details: https://eventi.unibo.it/convegno-metra2017/programma