Professor Sharon O’Brien and co-editor Dr Federico M. Federici (UCL) have published an edited volume entitled Translation in Cascading Crises with Routledge. This volume touches on a broad variety of crisis contexts in which translation and interpreting play an important role, including translation in conflict zones, human trafficking, gender-based violence, accessibility, translation technology, volunteer translation, risk communication, readability and comprehensibility, and participatory research methods for disaster risk reduction. Contributors include members of the EU-funded Horizon 2020 project INTERACT (Dr Alessandra Rossetti, Dr Pat Cadwell, Dr Carla Parra Escartín and Dr Helen Moniz), but many additional contributors too. More information about this volume can be found here.
Special Issue
In parallel with the edited volume, Prof O’Brien and Dr Federici have also co-edited a special issue of the journal Disaster Prevention and Management, which draws attention to the role of translation and interpreting in disaster prevention and management. All papers have now been published online and the issue will appear as a full Special Issue in Spring of 2020:
Crisis translation: considering language needs in multilingual disaster settings
Sharon O’Brien and Federico Marco Federici
Trust, distrust and translation in a disaster
Patrick Cadwell
Ethics and crisis translation: insights from the work of Paul Ricoeur
Dónal P. O’Mathúna and Matthew R. Hunt
The role of translators and interpreters in cascading crises and disasters
David E. Alexander and Gianluca Pescaroli
Transnational crisis translation: social media and forced migration
Jay Marlowe
Ophelia, Emma, and the beast from the east effortful engaging and the provision of sign language interpreting in emergencies
Lorraine Leeson
Local capacity building after crisis
Wine Tesseur