A festival of online events from NUI Galway and Dublin City University, 16 April-23 April 2021
How can languages help us create a more inclusive world?
In 2020, the world was shaken by global challenges and by new social forces that have dramatically changed the social and political landscapes:
- The COVID-19 pandemic has made clear that communicating health information in languages that are accessible to linguistically diverse groups is essential in the fight against the virus.
- The Black Lives Matter movement has raised awareness on institutional racism and the legacy of colonialism; and on the need to include language in the debate on equity, diversity and inclusion.
Yet at the same time, NGOs, researchers and activists alike have been overwhelmed by pressure to respond and adapt to the reality of COVID-19, leaving little time or opportunity to meet, listen and learn from each other. The “Languages for an inclusive world” festival aims to create a space where NGOs, researchers, students and activists can come together and talk about the role of languages in building tomorrow’s world
Further information on the programme and registration: https://sites.google.com/view/translation-as-empowerment/events